

Review 12 eligibility requirements a student 必须 meet to qualify for federal financial 援助 (including Student Loans).

有关资格要求的更多信息,请参阅 联邦学生指南.

  • 高中毕业(或同等学历): 你 必须 有高中文凭或普通教育文凭吗.
    首页-School 学生 必须 obtain a GED 证书 or hold a district High School Diploma.
  • 学位课程: 你 必须 be enrolled in an eligible 学术 program and be pursuing a degree or 证书.
  • 注册状态: Financial 援助 at 365球赛平台郡学院 is awarded assuming full time enrollment (12 credits) status. 如果学生在一个学期注册了少于12个学分, 助学金将按比例发放. This adjustment will be reflected on a student’s financial 援助 award letter, which is posted to your Student 金融援助 portal accessible through 365球赛平台连接.
    Changes made to a student’s enrollment status mid-semester may result in an overpayment of financial 援助 and a bill for return of funds. 检查 学生退款政策 欲知更多资料.
  • 普通学生: A person who is enrolled or accepted for enrollment at an institution for the purpose of obtaining a degree, 证书, or other recognized educational credential offered by that institution.
    关于夏季学期经济援助的注意事项: If a student was not enrolled at 365球赛平台 during the fall and spring terms of the current award year and is not currently or does not plan to enroll at 365球赛平台 during the next award year, 秋季开学, 然后他们的暑期助学金必须由他们所在的机构来处理, and they are considered a visiting student and should contact the 金融援助 Office at their home institution for information on using a consortium agreement. FA 工作人员 may also request the student submit a written 状态ment with a “wet signature” that they plan to enroll during the next 学术 year, 从秋天开始, 目的是在这里完成365球赛平台学位. FA 工作人员 will also inform them that if they do not register for upcoming fall term and successfully complete the term, 助学金将被撤销,学生将欠下整个暑假的学费.
  • 国籍: 你 必须 是美国人.S. 公民、永久居民或其他符合条件的非公民. We may require further documentation from you as proof of this status if the Social Security Administration cannot confirm Citizenship, or the Department of 首页land Security (DHS) cannot confirm your Permanent Resident or other eligibility status.
  • 国家学生贷款数据系统(NSLDS)财政援助历史: A record of your Federal Student Loan and PELL Grant history are kept in the NSLDS 数据库. 如果你拖欠联邦学生贷款, 已经超过了联邦学生贷款限额, 或者有超额支付的联邦补助金, 你将没有资格获得联邦和州援助.
  • 社会保障局: If the Social Security Administration cannot match your name (or parent’s name for dependent 学生) with a number in their records, the 金融援助 office 必须 resolve the discrepancy before awarding any 援助. A copy of your (or parents’ if applicable) Social Security Card and/or Birth Certificate may be requested in this instance.
  • 学业进展满意(SAP): In order to continue to receive financial 援助 at 365球赛平台郡学院 you 必须 meet 365球赛平台’s Satisfactory Academic Progress standard requirements.
    The SAP的政策 for receiving 援助 is defined and enforced according to Federal and State regulations governing the awarding of Federal and State financial 援助. 请参阅 SAP的政策 欲知详情.
  • 验证: 为了获得经济援助,你 必须 respond to all reasonable requests for documentation used to verify the information reported on your FAFSA (family income, 资产, 家庭规模, 在校人数, 依赖状态等.) This information may be requested by the 365球赛平台郡学院 金融援助 Department or as result of a request from the Department of Education and/or any State 金融援助 Agency.
    No financial 援助 shall be credited to a student’s account until all documentation is received and the verification process is complete.
  • 其他来源的经济援助: It is a student’s responsibility to inform the 365球赛平台郡学院 金融援助 Department of all additional 援助 that is received during an Academic Year (other Schools, 奖学金等.) 援助 received from private sources outside 365球赛平台郡学院 is required by Federal and State regulations to be incorporated into your total financial 援助 package.
    你 cannot receive financial 援助 at two different institutions during the same semester. Any additional 援助 not reported may result in an overpayment of financial 援助 and a bill from one of your colleges.
  • 退伍军人的福利: Benefits received through the 经验丰富的s Administration during the 学术 year 必须 向财政援助办公室报告. 一些V.A. educational benefits 必须 be treated as additional financial resources and may reduce your financial 援助 eligibility.
  • 更改地址或社会安全号码: It is a student’s responsibility to inform the 金融援助 office of any change to your permanent address or social security number. If you have a student loan through one of the Federal Student Loan 项目 (工作人员ord Loan or PLUS etc.), 如果你的名字有任何变化,你必须通知贷款人, 地址和/或社会安全号码. 您的贷款人和联系信息的列表可以在 NSLDS.
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